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The Fraxel Diaries: One Week Skin Transformation

By: admin | October 13, 2022 | Procedural Information

Are you eager to address uneven skin tone or texture, brown spots, acne scars, or wrinkles and fine lines? If so, you’re not alone.

Luckily, at Deep Blue we offer a variety of aesthetic services designed to effectively treat patient concerns. Fraxel® Fractionated Laser Resurfacing is one such option.

So How Does Fraxel Work?

Using pinpoint laser beams that penetrate beneath the skin’s surface, Fraxel stimulates the body’s own natural healing process as it sloughs off old, damaged skin cells and leaves healthy tissue behind for faster healing.
For a behind-the-scenes look at the Fraxel journey, we tapped our very own Marketing Director (and DBMS patient), to share her recent experience. Here’s what Jeanine had to say:

JD: “Being in my mid- late forties, I was eager to undergo a Fraxel treatment to address both the fine lines and discoloration on my face. My goal was simply to feel confident in my skin when I wasn’t wearing makeup. While I have been using medical-grade skincare for many years, and religiously apply sunscreen, I knew I still needed help.”

Preparing for Fraxel

To prepare for my appointment I remained out of the sun, and discontinued use of all retinol products for nearly two weeks prior. Here’s a day by day recap of my experience.

Fraxel Treatment and Recovery Day-By-Day

Pre-treatment and makeup free

Day 1: Treatment Day

Prior to my treatment numbing cream was applied topically to my face. After about an hour, the cream was removed, and I discussed my specific skin concerns with our NP, Kaylin Salubro. Specifically, I wanted to address fine lines, wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, and some slight melasma. I was open to whatever she felt would lead to the best outcome.

Taking note of my concerns and skin tone, Kaylin recommended I undergo the Fraxel® DUAL 1550/1927 Laser Treatment. This meant I was going to receive the benefits of the 1927, a more superficial laser that targets pigmentation and sun damage, as well as the1550, which works deeper to target wrinkles, texture, and provide a collagen boost. (Collagen boost? Yes, please!)

The entire treatment took about 30 minutes. It felt like tiny, hot sparks of electricity. Overall it was completely tolerable, but slightly more painful in areas that required the laser to be closer to bone, this included both the jawline and upper lip. Immediately following the treatment, my face felt as if it were throbbing, almost as if it had a heartbeat of its own!

I left the spa that evening feeling like I had a bad sunburn, with some swelling under my eyes and around my jawline. After spending a few hours on the couch with some ice, the feeling of heat and burning began to subside. However, I did wash my pillowcase prior to going to bed since I knew my skin was very vulnerable.

Day 2

That morning, I washed my face for the first time since my treatment. I used ProBLUEMD’s Gentle Brightening Cleanser and applied ProBLUEMD’s Phyto Corrective Serum, followed by Zo’s Revitatrol and finally ProBLUE MD’s Essential Protection SPF50. I was still swollen, however my skin was turning from pink to bronze, and the texture felt rough like sandpaper. I lathered on the sunscreen and took my teenage daughter to the mall. I was sure to wear a wide brimmed hat whenever I was in direct sunlight or even driving during daylight hours.

Day 3

When I woke up I was still swollen, and my skin was continuing to take on a bronzed hue. Within a few hours my face began to shed as I reapplied my sunscreen. Later that day I met up with a friend for brunch who said I looked “a little blotchy and like I had gotten some sun.” By the evening, the lower part of my face began heavily sloughing off -exposing new fresh skin around my chin, upper lip, and cheeks.

Day 4

By day 4 most of the bronzed skin had fallen off, leaving only a darker bronze ring around the perimeter of my face. It resembled the remnants of brown hair dye. At this point, the lower portion of my face was still slightly swollen, especially around my jawline. That evening, I noticed some of the newly exposed skin, specifically on my chin and upper lip, had begun to peel as well.

Day 5

By day 5 I was pretty sure the swelling had fully subsided, and for the most part, my skin had begun to look brand new! It was still slightly pink, visibly even, and very smooth. Only a small amount of bronzing remained around my hairline. At this point, I was confident I was starting to see some very promising results!

Day 6

In less than a week my skin had almost entirely healed, and looked visibly brighter. The texture on day 6 felt better to the touch and my skin tone was more even than before I underwent the treatment. I am very happy with the results so far, and I’m eager to watch my complexion continue to improve.

BONUS: Day 8

As expected my results have continued to get better and better! Yesterday, I even attended “Back to School Night” at my childrens’ high school without any makeup on! Today, the providers recommended I undergo a facial to help gently address any milia I may have developed, as well as to safely rehydrate my skin. When we remove the outer layer of skin through a treatment, our pores become more open. Although this allows for better product penetration, it can also cause clogging with dead cells and oil- so it is important to stay on top of your facials!

Here is a look at my skin immediately after.

To learn more about Fraxel, or any of our other laser options, be sure to contact us today!


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