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Restylane® is a dermal filler that can be used to treat many common signs of facial aging. By restoring lost volume to areas of the skin that have wrinkled, creased, or thinned out, Restylane® can help provide smoother, fuller, more youthful looking features. In addition to replenishing lost facial volume and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, Restylane® can also help augment thin lips for a fuller, more plump look.

Restylane® can be used to effectively treat many common signs of facial aging, such as:

  • Fine lines
  • Deep creases or folds
  • Wrinkles between the nose and mouth
  • Thinning skin
  • Sunken features
  • Thinning lips

How Does Restylane® Work?

Restylane® is a non-surgical treatment that restores lost facial volume for smoother skin, fewer wrinkles, and fuller lips. Many of our patients choose to use Restylane® to address early signs of facial aging or restore lost volume without the need for surgery. Unlike many alternatives, Restylane® can achieve lasting results that keep your skin full, smooth, and youthful for six months or more. Some patients enjoy the benefits of Restylane® for up to a year.* Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Restylane® is designed – and clinically proven – to last longer than other dermal fillers. Periodic follow-up appointments can be scheduled to maintain your results with Restylane® for an even longer period of time.

Restylane® is considered a natural dermal filler. The injectable compound is composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a gel-like substance naturally found in the body. Consequently, Restylane® requires zero allergy testing. Once injected using a very thin needle, Restylane® can maintain its shape and add volume to the target areas, smoothing wrinkles for fuller, more youthful looking skin.

In most cases, Restylane® procedures can be completed in 30 minutes or less, depending upon the number of target areas. Many of our patients choose to have Restylane® injections performed during their lunch hour and return to work immediately afterward.

Restylane® is not recommended for patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age. Some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site after their Restylane® procedure, but these side effects should fade quickly. For most patients, there is zero downtime associated with Restylane® injections, and they can resume their normal daily activities as soon as they leave our office.

enhance pro-nox graphic

Experience Restylane® with PRO-NOX

PRO-NOX is a nitrous oxide delivery system for fast-acting pain relief. It increases comfort and aids in calming anxiety.

Learn more about PRO-NOX

Restylane® Silk

Restylane® Silk is an FDA-approved dermal filler that is specifically designed for the treatment of wrinkles, creases, and volume loss on the lower part of the face including the areas around the mouth. As we age, we typically lose fat and collagen, which helps give the face its youthful, vibrant appearance. Restylane® Silk can plump the skin to simultaneously reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sunken features, and thinning skin.

Composed of a smooth gel formula, Restylane® Silk can be particularly effective for lip augmentation. For our patients who have experienced thinning lips as they have aged, Restylane® Silk can restore lost volume, give your lips increased definition and suppleness, and achieve results that look natural and youthful.

The team of injectable specialists at Deep Blue Med Spa have been awarded as an ASPIRE Galderma Rewards Presidential Champion, the highest award level within the Aspire Galderma Rewards system, in honor of our significant experience in administering Restylane.

Is Restylane® Right For Me?

  • Don’t want surgery or downtime?
  • Looking for a non-surgical alternative to restore definition to your features?
  • Seeking to reduce fine lines and facial wrinkles?
  • Do you have thinning skin or sunken features?

What Do I Need To Know About Restylane®?


  • Consultations are available at all Deep Blue Med Spa locations.
  • Procedure typically takes about 30 minutes, depending upon number of treatment areas.
  • *You should see optimal results within a few days of treatment, and results can last up to one year after treatment.
  • No downtime required.


  • May have mild redness, swelling, or bruising at injection site.

*Results May Vary

Schedule Your Restylane® Appointment

If you would like to learn more about non-surgical facial rejuvenation with Restylane®, or to schedule an appointment at Deep Blue Med Spa, please contact our office today.

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The Medical Professionals at Deep Blue Med Spa have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.